Health & Wellness

5 Reasons Why Reflexology Is A Great Cure!

Helps menstrual cramps as well.


What are the zones?

Almost every pressure point in the feet is connected in some way to the overall health of the body. A few zones, however, stand out as being useful for day to day life. For starters, one of the most sensitive portions of the feet is the toes. Each toe has a connection with a body part. For example, the left side of the little toe is connected to the bladder. The left side of the big toe is connected to the liver and the right side is connected to the spleen. The toes are the parts of the feet that are linked to the head and neck areas.

Another problem area for most people – young or old – is the spine. Everyone gets backaches once in a while. A good way to deal with the problem is to apply a slight, even pressure with your thumbs along the inside of both your feet, from toe to heel. The contours of your feet are linked to your spinal column and by pressing there you can ease your backaches.

The balls of the feet which are directly underneath the toes are considered to be intrinsically linked to the chest area. Pressure here is considered to be good for any chest related illnesses.  The bottom or the heels of the feet are connected to the pelvic area (especially good for people who suffer from menstrual cramps).


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